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Spring Kit Natural Dye Workshop - Ecoprinting

Learn how to ecoprint on properly prepared textiles that not only makes beautiful botanical designs, but also focuses on layering and mordanting techniques that create lasting and complex results.

Spring Kit Natural Dye Workshop includes a muslin logo-bag with 3 silk and cotton scarves/kerchiefs for eco printing and dyeing, sticks or dowels for bundling, an instruction booklet, all of the scouring and mordanting and dye stuffs for preparing and dyeing your fiber, twine for wrapping your bundles, and two 60-minute lessons on Zoom with Tammy White, production fiber farmer and natural dyer.

We will have two workshops to gather in a Virtual Classroom with plenty of time for questions and discussion. We will focus on color that we can make using dried dyestuffs or extracts or winter forage. Kits will include dried dyestuffs and extracts but we will have a discussion to explore regional and seasonal forage.